2021 – November Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club By Andy Lenaghan

Following last month’s brief report, I am now able to update you further on agreed proposals to make the club more accessible to local men who wish to serve the Community in which they live and also enjoy the camaraderie of other likeminded men. The changes are not drastic that they change the ethos of the club, but they create a more relaxed and convenient meeting time. The Club will still hold two meetings per month, but with the following format:-

1st Thursday of each month. Evening meeting at which the objective is to discuss ‘Business Only’ with no food. (Liquid refreshment)

3rd Thursday of month – Alternating on a monthly basis

Month A. Social Luncheon Meeting. Daytime

Month B. Social Dinner Meeting. Evening

Several venues are at our disposal and maybe changed to suit our purpose.

Our first meeting will be held on Thursday 4th November this will also double up as a recruitment evening at which all members are encouraged to invite any prospective new members along to the Newtown Hotel at 7.30pm with a finger buffet being served. If you are interested in attending, please email secretary@hibc.org.uk or aplenaghan@gmail.com with your contact details and you will be contacted. Please remember being a businessman is not essential, just an enthusiastic man wanting to join others having fun and helping those less fortunate in our Community.

A last briefing on our Pig racing evening being held on the 13th November. Please remember apart from the bar which has a card machine, this will be a cash only event. People who have been before will realise why, but it is a fast moving evening with betting on the outcome of the pigs racing. Tickets are still available from the Community Centre at this late date, and are £10 per adult and £5 for children under 12. This price includes a light meal half way through the evening.