2022 – January Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club Report by Andy Lenaghan.
On the 22nd of December we held our street collection In Mengham on what was a very cold day. We raised the magnificent sum of £382.22. No expenses are deducted and 100% will go to supporting local good causes including the running of our Community Mini Bus. The Bus is getting more use at the moment so please contact us if you need to book for your club or group. A big thank you to local residents who gave so generously, many of whom were regular users as you could tell they appreciated it being available. Thank you to Party#1 who provided the characters for the children and erected a grotto for the day. It was a fantastic gesture from them.
On the 11th of January the Club held its AGM. Outgoing Chairman Bruce Mowatt was thanked for steering the club through what was the worst two years in the club history. Bruce was asked to Chair a second year due to the first being dominated by Covid, with few meetings and no events. This he did with aplomb although still far from being normal, he even created regular Zoom meetings which we all seemed to grasp in time.
Bruce chaired the meeting until the new Chairman was elected. Stalwart of the Club John Cottle was elected as Chairman for the coming year with me being elected as his deputy. We both look forward to taking the club forward with new memberships pending plus a great fund raising year. Keith Russ organised a first class Pig Racing evening in November, so we look forward to his organisational skills effect on the BBQ in July and other events yet to be announced. The club looks forward to promoting a family Christmas event which Sinah Warren Hotel have agreed to sponsor and support on the night, subject to cooperation from traders and the local authority.
Our Treasurer in despite the past two years of turmoil was able to report a stable financial position. We are also very pleased that the Royal British Legion stepped in and support many of our meetings providing a nourishing meal at reasonable cost. Again, this is why the clubs financial strength is good, all members do meet their own expenses at meetings.
I do look forward to writing more positive reports during 2022 with COVID not being so dominant and our fundraising activities getting back to normal along with a few social events. The club look forward to seeing many of you at some of our events. I can be contacted on 02392 467469 if you wish to have a discussion on a matter related to the club.

2022 John Cottle stands as chairman once again.

New member Mark Smith

New member Mark Jermy