2022 – January Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club Report by Andy Lenaghan.
On the 22nd of December we held our street collection In Mengham on what was a very cold day. We raised the magnificent sum of £382.22. No expenses are deducted and 100% will go to supporting local good causes including the running of our Community Mini Bus. The Bus is getting more use at the moment so please contact us if you need to book for your club or group. A big thank you to local residents who gave so generously, many of whom were regular users as you could tell they appreciated it being available. Thank you to Party#1 who provided the characters for the children and erected a grotto for the day. It was a fantastic gesture from them.
On the 11th of January the Club held its AGM. Outgoing Chairman Bruce Mowatt was thanked for steering the club through what was the worst two years in the club history. Bruce was asked to Chair a second year due to the first being dominated by Covid, with few meetings and no events. This he did with aplomb although still far from being normal, he even created regular Zoom meetings which we all seemed to grasp in time.
Bruce chaired the meeting until the new Chairman was elected. Stalwart of the Club John Cottle was elected as Chairman for the coming year with me being elected as his deputy. We both look forward to taking the club forward with new memberships pending plus a great fund raising year. Keith Russ organised a first class Pig Racing evening in November, so we look forward to his organisational skills effect on the BBQ in July and other events yet to be announced. The club looks forward to promoting a family Christmas event which Sinah Warren Hotel have agreed to sponsor and support on the night, subject to cooperation from traders and the local authority.
Our Treasurer in despite the past two years of turmoil was able to report a stable financial position. We are also very pleased that the Royal British Legion stepped in and support many of our meetings providing a nourishing meal at reasonable cost. Again, this is why the clubs financial strength is good, all members do meet their own expenses at meetings.
I do look forward to writing more positive reports during 2022 with COVID not being so dominant and our fundraising activities getting back to normal along with a few social events. The club look forward to seeing many of you at some of our events. I can be contacted on 02392 467469 if you wish to have a discussion on a matter related to the club.

2022 John Cottle stands as chairman once again.

New member Mark Smith

New member Mark Jermy


2021 – December Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club Report.

At last, after COVID one of the first public social events took place on Hayling Island. It was a very successful pig racing night held at the Community Centre with a very healthy attendance on Saturday 13th November. We rely on these events to keep the mini bus running, which in turn enables us to loan it out to local groups. What a night it was giving great value to those who attended. Not only were they served a great two course meal prepared and served by members of the club and their wives which everyone enjoyed, they also had one of the most exciting events in the events history. One race which was a dead heat had to be re-run between the two pigs involved, and an excited crowd cheered on the eventual winner. On the last race, all people who backed the winning pig were given a free raffle ticket which was for a free weekend at Sinah Warren. This produced a very well backed race which enabled the club to return a very healthy profit of about £1600. This was very pleasing considering it was touch and go at one time if the event would even go ahead. Too many to name here, but the club would like to thank all the local businesses that donated raffle prizes.

During November the club started its new arrangement of having a mix of day time and evening meetings to enable more to attend. This on the first evening meeting held at the New Town House Hotel proved very successful with two new Local Businessmen being recruited as members plus a healthy attendance of current members.

We are still recruiting, so please if you are interested contact us by email at secretary@hibc.org.uk If you feel you can help but not become a member please also contact us.

Last but not least, also on a positive note we have booked Northney Farm, following kind permission from Mary and Stan Pike to hold the BBQ again next year after a two year absence. We have decided to have the Queen Tribute band we had booked for 2020 before Covid struck and it is on the 9th July 2022, so keep this date free. Remember to get your tickets when it is announced as many were disappointed and couldn’t attend the last BBQ held.

The Club would like to wish all of you all, including the Hayling Herald team who have been very good to us since they started, a very Happy Christmas. Please also be generous if you meet us in Mengham on our Annual street collection on the 22nd December.

2021 – November Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club By Andy Lenaghan

Following last month’s brief report, I am now able to update you further on agreed proposals to make the club more accessible to local men who wish to serve the Community in which they live and also enjoy the camaraderie of other likeminded men. The changes are not drastic that they change the ethos of the club, but they create a more relaxed and convenient meeting time. The Club will still hold two meetings per month, but with the following format:-

1st Thursday of each month. Evening meeting at which the objective is to discuss ‘Business Only’ with no food. (Liquid refreshment)

3rd Thursday of month – Alternating on a monthly basis

Month A. Social Luncheon Meeting. Daytime

Month B. Social Dinner Meeting. Evening

Several venues are at our disposal and maybe changed to suit our purpose.

Our first meeting will be held on Thursday 4th November this will also double up as a recruitment evening at which all members are encouraged to invite any prospective new members along to the Newtown Hotel at 7.30pm with a finger buffet being served. If you are interested in attending, please email secretary@hibc.org.uk or aplenaghan@gmail.com with your contact details and you will be contacted. Please remember being a businessman is not essential, just an enthusiastic man wanting to join others having fun and helping those less fortunate in our Community.

A last briefing on our Pig racing evening being held on the 13th November. Please remember apart from the bar which has a card machine, this will be a cash only event. People who have been before will realise why, but it is a fast moving evening with betting on the outcome of the pigs racing. Tickets are still available from the Community Centre at this late date, and are £10 per adult and £5 for children under 12. This price includes a light meal half way through the evening.

2021 – October Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club by Andy Lenaghan
Following last month’s report in the Herald we have had some positive responses, although too early to say what our future holds as yet. We have decided on a way forward which I will outline more next month as due to my circumstances I have just not had the time to compile a full report.
We are pleased to confirm our PIG RACING evening will go ahead on the evening of Saturday 13th November. This is a family evening so please come along as a family and enjoy a little flutter on the pigs. A light supper will be supplied and included in the ticket price of £10 for adults and £5 for children under 12 years of age. The bar will also be open
Tickets will be available from the Community Centre in the Park. Foots Estate Agents, The Terracotta pot shop, Cards for occasions and Morris Dibben Estate Agents. Tickets will also be available from any club member you may know. All normal COVID precautions in force at the time will be taken.
This will be our first event since Covid started and obviously to help others we need support at out events. Please do support us in our fund raising efforts and have a great evening at the same time.

2021 – September Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club by Andy Lenaghan
At Last the Club has started having meetings again and very much looking forward to the future with optimism, although after the long break concerns have been raised as to the format our meetings take and also to our terms of membership. It bought home to us at the start of the pandemic that most of our members were in the at risk age bracket, so the club were unable to consider any form of continuation, as all our fund raising relies on attendance at events, which was out of the question. We did consider, and provisionally booked the date for the BBQ this year, but with the month long extension to lockdown that had to be knocked on the head. Much to our relief no advance payments were made.
For various reasons over the time of the pandemic membership has shrunk. This has been due to other commitments, ill health and even death of members, which has driven home to us the need to attract more members, as currently it would be difficult to run a BBQ in its present form. This is not to detract from the current set up, which has survived for 56 successful years raising thousands of pounds for local good causes, as well as running the Community Mini Bus for most of those years. We have a wonderful atmosphere at our meetings which are at lunch time, this being one of the main problems. Work and life styles have changed since we formed, making it difficult for men to get away from business or work for perhaps 90 minutes at lunchtime.
Next month in our article, which the Herald kindly publish we will be outlining the way we see the club going forward. We hope we can make membership less formal and move away from areas which are very much still the same as when we were formed in 1964. We also hope to move from lunchtime meetings to a mix of evening and lunchtime. It’s a bold move from us as many members love the tradition, but we need more support from the modern man who maybe doesn’t feel they have the time demanded currently, but would love to help the Community in which they live. The revisions being proposed will be voted on and hopefully carried forward to ensure we have a future.
A reminder, despite the Title of the club which is our traditional name since launch, we are open to any male who wishes to be involved. Please, if you have any thoughts and would like to be involved please drop an email to secretary@hibc.org.uk The alternative of a successful relaunch is a failure of the club to survive. Many local good causes would miss our contributions to their funds and the continued use of our mini bus.

2020 – December Report

It seems a long time ago we had a non- virtual meeting, but Zoom has provided many of us a way of staying in touch with our friends and colleagues. We have held regular meetings by this means this year, but fear it will probably be at least another 2 to 4 months before we can all meet in person again. So much is depending on the success of the many vaccines being worked upon. I thought before the year end I would update our many followers as to what we have been able to do despite of all this going on around us.
We have always laid a wreath on Remembrance Sunday at the cenotaph and were pleased to have one laid upon our behalf this year due again to lockdown.
We were delighted to be able to support the Hayling Community Centre In sponsoring one of the overheads that would have been incurred had the Virtual Concert been able to go ahead. Unfortunately the current lockdown put paid to this, but the offer of sponsorship is still there for when it does go ahead.
Two events we do hope will be able to go ahead next year are the Annual BBQ and the Pig Racing evening. We need to wait awhile yet before we can confirm as we have to ensure the venues are available and we are free of any restrictions. So much is hinging on our scientists etc. We do hope to give plenty of notice as the pigs do need to get into training!!
We are delighted that the Bus, which is our main charity is out and about again, mainly being used by Mengham Infant School to take children out and about on various projects. If your Charity or good cause is in need of transport, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
On the subject of Mini Buses, we are delighted that Hayling Voluntary Services, now known as JT’S Community Services have their Mini Bus on the road which we helped sponsor and carries our logo on the vehicle. We were delighted to help such a worthwhile cause.
Whilst It’s not a great time for any of us we are pleased our members have generally managed to avoid Coronavirus. But, on a worrying note we have five members either awaiting hospital treatment or in hospital being treated. It’s a worry the problems being caused in society by delayed operations, reluctance to go to hospital or just not visiting or talking to your GP.
Thank you every one for your support this year and we do hope to be back in operation next year, but in the meantime from the Chairman and members of Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Please contact our secretary for any info: Stephen James Tel : 07957 872307 E-Mail : secretary@hibc.org.uk

2020 – August Report

Hayling Dirt Trails supported by the club to buy some much needed hand tools. These are needed to keep the jumps in good order and test the skills of the riders.
Thanks also to Hayling Hardware for a generous discount on the tools purchased.

2020 – July Report

The July report as submitted to the Hayling Herald.
Following on from last month, I have had a number of comments as to how interesting readers of the Herald found the article about the history of the club and one prominent member. I thought I would for this month give a further insight into events of the past, rather than the personnel involved.
In March 1964 we did have a thriving Chamber of Trade in which a number of our founder members were active. It was suggested they formed a club of their own. They didn’t hang around, by April the Club was formed with Bob Green of the West Town Hotel the first Chairman. Members were very generous with early projects, with Cecil Walker providing a TV for Orchard Close. Several members were volunteer drivers and would drive the Mini Bus, although some would drive their own cars and take people on hospital appointments, a job done so well now by Hayling Volunteer Services.
In September 1964 the Club took 15 senior citizens on holiday for a week to Swanage. There were volunteer drivers, helpers and I am sure many of you will recall Dr Brenan, who went along as Doctor in charge.
In October 1964 it was agreed that the club would do its best to ensure no elderly or infirm residents went cold during the winter. We were very successful and provided heat for many homes. During December of our first year we offered a Chiropody service to our elderly at a cost of two shillings and sixpence per person (12.5p) It was estimated that 10 persons per week attended. We did purchase a screen to give privacy when removing stockings.
One of the best stories relating to the club is when a coach was laid on to take 26 elderly folk to the Pantomime in Portsmouth. Upon returning to Hayling it was found that we had 28, with two being oblivious to being on the wrong coach. Nobody had checked upon leaving Portsmouth!! Needless to say they were promptly returned with their correct coach still waiting for them.
The Club for 10 years sponsored a Berth for a young Hayling person on the “Winston Churchill” a sail training schooner at a cost of £200 per year. We were the smallest group to ever do this, but the ever increasing costs made it unaffordable. The same applied to the Swanage holiday scheme unfortunately.
I hope you realise from this, the camaraderie that exists within the club and why most of our members serve for a number of years. We certainly hope to be back soon, and if you have an interest, even if you are not a businessman in serving the community, please visit our website or Facebook page. www.hibc.org.uk

2020 – July Report

Following on from last month, I have had a number of comments as to how interesting readers of the Herald found the article about the history of the club and one prominent member. I thought I would for this month give a further insight into events of the past, rather than the personnel involved.

In March 1964 we did have a thriving Chamber of Trade in which a number of our founder members were active. It was suggested they formed a club of their own. They didn’t hang around, by April the Club was formed with Bob Green of the West Town Hotel the first Chairman. Members were very generous with early projects, with Cecil Walker providing a TV for Orchard Close. Several members were volunteer drivers and would drive the Mini Bus, although some would drive their own cars and take people on hospital appointments, a job done so well now by Hayling Volunteer Services.

In September 1964 the Club took 15 senior citizens on holiday for a week to Swanage. There were volunteer drivers, helpers and I am sure many of you will recall Dr Brenan, who went along as Doctor in charge.

In October 1964 it was agreed that the club would do its best to ensure no elderly or infirm residents went cold during the winter. We were very successful and provided heat for many homes. During December of our first year we offered a Chiropody service to our elderly at a cost of two shillings and sixpence per person (12.5p) It was estimated that 10 persons per week attended. We did purchase a screen to give privacy when removing stockings.

One of the best stories relating to the club is when a coach was laid on to take 26 elderly folk to the Pantomime in Portsmouth. Upon returning to Hayling it was found that we had 28, with two being oblivious to being on the wrong coach. Nobody had checked upon leaving Portsmouth!! Needless to say they were promptly returned with their correct coach still waiting for them.

The Club for 10 years sponsored a Berth for a young Hayling person on the “Winston Churchill” a sail training schooner at a cost of £200 per year. We were the smallest group to ever do this, but the ever increasing costs made it unaffordable. The same applied to the Swanage holiday scheme unfortunately.

I hope you realise from this, the camaraderie that exists within the club and why most of our members serve for a number of years. We certainly hope to be back soon, and if you have an interest, even if you are not a businessman in serving the community, please visit our website or Facebook page.