2014 – August Report

Oh! Oh! What a Barbeque! Report from Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club – David Pawley

With all tickets sold well in advance of the event the annual HIBC Barbeque on the 12th July was a complete success. The weather was magnificent, the food excellent, the Take all That and Robbie Williams tribute bands were outstanding and by the look on the faces of 500 party goers everyone had wonderful evening. Club members, friends and relatives toiled untiringly for most of the previous week and from very early morning on the day of the event to turn Northney Farm into the Island’s top party venue. Work finished just in time for the arrival of the first guests, and soon the beef was being carved, the burgers and sausages sizzling and the beer and wine flowing. The raffle was very well supported as were the various side stalls which were kept busy all evening. A smashing time was had at the crockery stall, card sharps were eagerly trying to beat Play your Cards Right and the Juicy Lucy stall revealed her underwear.  The dancing to Take all That and Robbie Williams carried on far into the night … and the reward for all the hard work and support? Proceeds of several thousand pounds towards the running of the HIBC Community Bus and other worthwhile causes on the Island in the coming year. A truly remarkable effort! The Club committee would like to thank the following for their support, ticket sales, raffle prizes, supply of equipment and an enormous amount of help before and on the night:

Stan and Mary Pike and Family of Northney Farm

Friends and relatives of Club Members (too numerous to mention individually)

The Lions Community Shop

Haydens Garage

Hayling Community Centre

Morris Dibben

Geoff Foot Estate Agents

Sinah Warren Hotel

Langstone Hotel

Jewsons Builders

The Directory Group

Gibbs and Dandy Builders

Mark Tee Golfing

The Olive Leaf

Stoke Fruit Farm

Northney Farm

Lift & Shift Limited

Hayling Hardware

Hayling Scouts

Above all, our sincere thanks to the residents of Hayling and the surrounding area for their attendance and support.