2015 – April Report

Hayling Island Businessmen’s Club report for April Edition of Hayling Islander Report by John Cushion

Over 50 members, wives partners and guests enjoyed a fun night of Skittles at the Legion Club on 13th March. There was some keen rivalry with the lead changing hands frequently throughout the evening but the eventual winners were Barbara for the ladies and Peter for the men. Both received vouchers for an afternoon Tea for Two kindly donated by the Langstone Hotel. Wooden spoonist was the ever popular Ray Lee whose booby prize was a packet of skittles sweeties and the offer of a new pair of specs! Thanks to social secretary Tony Rees for arranging a super night out. A big thank you also to all the skittlers with whose generosity over £200 was raised for Club funds.

At the luncheon meeting on Thursday 19th March, Club members welcomed Nigel Jardine as their guest speaker. Nigel has been harbourmaster at Langstone Harbour for the last 16 years and following lunch he entertained members with an interesting overview of life in the harbour and how it is all financed.

Following the success at last year’s event, arrangements are in hand for the Club to have a cake and raffle stall at the Lions Donkey Derby day on Saturday 30th May. Contributions from member’s wives, partners, relatives and friends will be much appreciated. Contact details nearer the time.

The Club’s most important fund raising event of the year is the ever popular Annual Barbeque to be held at Northney Farm on Saturday 11th July 2015 with entertainment this year being provided by the exciting Spice Girlz. Full details including ticket outlets will be appearing in forthcoming editions of the Islander.

Plans are now well under way for this year’s Hayling for St George celebration. Following last year’s brilliant day in the sun, the event will again be held later in the summer when the weather is much kinder. There will be a brand of entertainment to suit most tastes and the event, which is completely free will be held on Eastoke Plaza on Sunday 30th August. The Club has undertaken to head up this year’ celebration and more details will be available shortly.

Use of the Community Bus continues to be in high demand particularly on week days but there is normally some availability at weekends and local organizations are welcome to contact Trevor Slydell at minibus@hibc.org.uk for more details. Please remember that use of the bus is offered completely free of any charges and even includes fuel. However, donations are always appreciated.

The name of the Club can be a little misleading as it is not necessary to be a businessman to join! Anyone who has time and the interest to be part of a club with the ethos of helping the less fortunate can apply for membership. In addition to aiding this worthwhile cause through the planning and arranging of events, there are several social gatherings throughout the year. The combination of these activities enables members to build close relationships and find friends for life.

The Club meets every second Thursday at Seacourt for lunch, section reports and occasional outside speakers. Potential members are invited to attend two or three meetings to find out more about the Club and see for themselves whether they feel able to join and offer their services. Anyone interested in joining or wishing to attend a meeting should telephone recruitment office Brian Smith via e-mail at recruitment@hibc.org.uk.

125 Club Winning Numbers

December    £50 – 8    £50 – 73

January    £50 – 84    £50 – 18

February    £50 – 41    £50 – 106    £200 – 92